Fashion shouldn't hurt mother nature. Our mission is to reduce environmental impact from our passion to be fashionable.
Share your closet on iRentazon and start making money today.
Irentazon is the #1 marketplace to buy and rent Indian sarees, wedding gowns, mens clothes and more. Shop by individials or boutiques.
iRentazon Will be helping schools because the purpose of this website is to help small communities. The part of Funding will go to to bring more sports to small schools. My daughter loves to play basketball. But due to our town being so small there was never a coach to teach her. She never got the chance to play for better teams. The % of funding from this website will be helping Girls get Education around the world. Educated females will be able to make better life decisions. iRentazon is a platform for women to make money to help others who are in need. Educated population will make the planet a better Place to live.
My name is Gurpreet Chauhan. I have this idea when I was shopping for one of the wedding on May 2018. Every time we have a function most of the ladies buy new apparel to attend the wedding. whenever we have Indian function we end up spending so much money just in clothings. I have my closet full with clothes that I wear either once twice or three times the most. After spending so much money on clothes, they are just sitting in my closet. Why don’t we just rent from each other’s and return them back. I would like to have people rent from each other rather than spending so much money on buying new clothes. I would like to make a market place or a website similar to Amazon. My website will be iRentazon-rent to own-own to rent. it’s going to be a place where people can exchange their clothing, jewelry, makeups, equipments, machinery, vehicles, furnishing that they want other people to rent for a short period of time and then return it. iRentazon will have everything that one person needs. Please come on aboard to share your closet or rent from other closets.
More than 15 million tons of used textile waste is generated each year in the United States, and the amount has doubled over the last 20 years. In 2014, over 16 million tons of textile waste was generated, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Of this amount, 2.62 million tons were recycled, 3.14 million tons were combusted for energy recovery, and 10.46 million tons were sent to the landfill. An average American throws away approximately 80 pounds of used clothing per person per year. On average, nationally, it costs cities $45 per ton to dispose of old clothing. Synthetic clothing may take hundreds of years to decompose. “In order to grow enough cotton for one pair of jeans you need 24 tonnes of water. While we make jeans we want people to make better choices. Buy less, wash less” 3.2% of all available water on earth is used in the textile industry every year